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The Lunar Collective Retreat Reflections: When Women Circle

"There is no arriving ever. It is all a continual becoming."

Joan Erikson quoted by Joan Anderson in A Year by the Sea

As a new breastfeeding mother, after 6 months of nursing, I found a treasure. That treasure would alter the course of my existence. It would alter my understanding of interdependence. It would shift my sense of connection and renew my membership in what was to come.

That treasure was knowing the power of connection when women circle.

I happened to remember this in a breastfeeding support group. Only to realize it's a thread that's been present my whole life in the strong female dominant family I was raised in. Once the flame was relit, I found this treasure everywhere I looked.

At the bus stop. On the playground. In yoga class. At a women's workshop. At the natural market checkout counter. In my astrology study group.

Call it your inner goddess if you will, because, I'm pretty sure that's the power that is invoked when women come together. 

The Lunar Collective Retreat Registration

The Lunar Collective

One late summer day, my husband Sean asked me, "Where are you headed today?" 

"On a site visit to check out a venue for my women's wellness retreat. I told you I always wanted to plan a retreat, right?" I responded.

"Yes, I know about your retreat." He says knowingly with a half smile, as if I haven't talked about it for the previous consecutive 50 months. 

I get a lot of ideas but some take root in me so strong that it feels as if they are grabbing on to me rather than I am chasing them. The retreat felt no different. I am someone who subscribes to free will, but this experience made me question that concept deeply. It was something I unequivocally, had to do. 

The Lunar Collective Retreat Planning New Hope PA

Naming the event The Lunar Collective was important because it captured the essence of what I envisioned this retreat to be - a lunar gathering of women coming into their power reflecting their wisdom back to one another while simultaneously holding space. Nurturing.

All of these characteristics are of the nature of the moon. It felt vital to name this event something that touches on the intention of why it exists to begin with.

The Lunar Collective Retreat Teachers Honey Hollow Farm

When Women Circle

The Retreat - which consisted of yoga, astrology, aura readings, soul care, goddess photography, lunch, hugs, nurturing and more - proved to be a powerful reminder that when we gather in sisterhood, we step into our power

When we allow each other to be seen and heard, we all win.

When we join together, we all can be lifted simultaneously.

There is room for all of us. 

It just feels good to be in these types of environments and they need to be intentionally created. As a group, we did that and more on a serene farm in New Hope on a March Saturday. 

Honey Hollow Farm Retreat

For me, the most fulfilling part of this experience was being a part of a team. The group of women who shared their talents in various ways was beautiful and it was an honor to lead them.

The community and connection between the radiant group was medicinal. 

Yoga Retreat New Hope PA Marjorie Cottrell Astrology

Introspection + Blooming

Retreats are a time where you can pause life, look inward and shift the lens. In late winter, we find ourselves anticipating what is about to come forth in spring. 

How can we make room for the depth of introspection which is a vital prerequisite to blooming?

Marjorie Cottrell Retreat Honey Hollow Farm New Hope PA

We can continue to gather. Support. Show up for each other. Share our wisdom. Share our truth. Remind each other that we are enough. We are worthy. We are together. 

See you next year when we shall meet again.



p.s. Please check out Lexi Bird Photography's post on the day here. Alexis led our Goddess Photography Workshop and her talent is unmatched!

Honey Hollow Farm New Hope PA


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