Where's the Wisdom?

"You see, wisdom, it don't come from reading, it comes from believing."
- Trevor Hall, What I Know
It's easy to get swept away by the written word, but like all things in this world, it has its limitations.
I can read 4,000 books on any topic but if when I close the cover and step out into the world, I remain in doubt and mistrust my fellow citizens, my loved ones and myself - then the wisdom will remain on the pages. Intangible and elusive.
It's like in yoga, when I take my practice into the world - that's where the magic is found and the real yoga actually happens. The union unfolds.
When I take my beliefs, theories and ways in which I've been inspired and carry them forth as a seed of hope into my life, it is impossible not to meet wisdom.
We all have access to wisdom and there is no limit. Similar to love. There is more than enough. So when you do come upon it, please, share it far and wide as that will only enhance its sparkle.
Keep seeking. Keep believing.
It's like in yoga, when I take my practice into the world - that's where the magic is found and the real yoga actually happens. The union unfolds.
When I take my beliefs, theories and ways in which I've been inspired and carry them forth as a seed of hope into my life, it is impossible not to meet wisdom.
We all have access to wisdom and there is no limit. Similar to love. There is more than enough. So when you do come upon it, please, share it far and wide as that will only enhance its sparkle.
Keep seeking. Keep believing.
Photo by Cliff Johnson on Unsplash