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Student of the Universe: Relating


This is an installment in a series which will span the next year reflecting on my exploration of ancient astrology. 

 "One should go easy on smashing other people's lies.

Better to concentrate on one's own."

-Iris Murdoch


I find that most of my struggles aren't because of certain things existing or not existing but more because of how I choose to relate to things, people, experiences and situations. 

When we change how we relate to that which we're presented, we can change how we experience so much. Obviously this is incredibly challenging at times, especially very stormy seasons of life when grief and fear dwell abundantly.

But in the everyday, mundane activities, we can play with tweaking our relationship to what we perceive we are experiencing and that may lay the pathways for new ways of thinking


Photo by Tom Gainor on Unsplash

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